シンガポールの永住権(PR)申請を考えている人がまず最初に確認するのが申請書類。必要書類は申請資格ごとに異なり、ICA(シンガポール入国管理局)のサイトで各申請枠に合わせた必要書類が確認できます (ICAサイト)。
日本人申請者に多いEPまたはSパス保有者申請の場合、主申請者(Main Applicant)の必要書類は下記になります。
A1. Valid travel document with validity of at least 6 months and passport pages showing personal particulars and official descriptions;
A2. Employment Pass or S Pass;
A3. Identity card (if applicable);
A4. Birth certificate or official household census list or family register showing both parents’ name;
A5. Deed poll or change of name certificate (if applicable);
A6. Highest educational certificates (including all tertiary qualifications), transcripts, professional license/membership certificates and vocational trade certificates;
A7. Testimonials from previous employer(s) stating the nature and duration of employment and the last drawn basic salary (if any);
A8. Payslips for the last 6 months;
A9. Current Employer’s letter stating the date of employment, position held, salary per month for the past 6 months with breakdown into basic, overtime and allowance per month. The letter, addressed to the Controller of immigration, should be dated within 1 month from the date of submission;
A10. Appendix - 1 (PR-PTS) is to give consent for ICA to obtain and verify financial information provided in respect of this application (This form is available for downloading before the start of application upon Singpass login);
A11. (For self-employed) Valid Business Registration Certificate with names of partners shown; and
A12. (For self-employed) Occupational license pertaining to your employment (e.g. Stall license, business license, property agent license).
(出典:ICA 2024年1月現在)
弊社ではお一人お一人に合わせた、永住権の適格性を証明する書類作りをサポートさせていただいています。 プロの目線でご自身の経歴とプロフィールを見つめ直し、審査要件をしっかり押さえた申請づくりを目指しましょう!